Lectures and Seminars
Donau-Universität Krems, Department of building and environment (since 1996)
Visiting Professor, Member of Faculty, scientific advisory board
– Lecturer of MSc Course Future Building Solutions
– Lecturer of MSc Course Solar Architecture
– Lecturer of MSc Course Daylight Architecture
– Lecturer of MSc Course Facility Management
– Lecturer of MSc Course Climate Engineering
Bergische Universität GH Wuppertal (1996)
Seminar Ökologisches Bauen, Prof. Döring
Fachhochschule Cologne (1996-1998)
Symposium FUTURE, Einsatz von Computersimulation in der TGA-Planung
Fachhochschule Aachen (1997)
Tagung Verdichteter Wohnbau; mit Blumer, Bern; Scheifinger, Vienna; Wilkens, Kassel; Finke, Aachen; Morger, Basel, Stelzhammer, Vienna
IGH, Zagreb, Kroatien (1998)
Energy balance and comfort of chilled ceilings and induction chillers
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- and Raumfahrt, Cologne (1998)
Verbandprojekt Luft-/Erdwärmetauscher, Details zum 50m-Erdkanal der Siedlung Sagedergasse
Architektenkammer Rheinland-Pfalz (1998)
Road to passive houses; with Ploss, Kaiserslautern
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architectur / ZBU (1999)
Skylines – sustainable high-rise buildings?; with Schempp, Tübingen; Yeang, Kuala Lumpur; Delugan, Vienna; Eberhard, Zurich; Fuksas, Rome
Forum Zukunft Bauen, Kufstein (2000)
Concrete and solar architecture; with Hammer, Vienna
Ordinariat Technischer Ausbau, Hochschule für angewandte Kunst Vienna (2000)
Lecture Ordinariat Technischer Ausbau, Prof. Burgard
Kongress Bayern Innovativ, Messe Nurnberg (2001)
Concrete and solar architecture; with Hammer, Vienna
Industriellenvereinigung Vorarlberg, Dornbirn (2001)
Optimization of Comfort and Costs; with Pongratz, Vienna
SOCRATES Intensive Programme, Florence (2002)
Seminar lecturer: Energy efficient technology in bioclimatic architecture
Forum Zukunft Bauen, Haus der Geschichte, Bonn (2002)
Concrete and solar architecture
Energieagentur NRW (since 2002)
Seminar lecturer: EnEV, Energy certification and building service, REN-Impuls-Programm Bau und Energie
Architectskammer der Hansestadt Bremen (since 2002)
Seminar lecturer: summer heat protection, daylighting . and more, program Bremer Impulse
Messe BIO CASA, Triest (2003)
Systems integration in low-consumption buildings
Verbandnetz Gas AG (2004)
EU-Directive: Buildings put to the test
Green Building Day at Clean Med Europe, Vienna (2004)
Examples for successful energy efficiency concepts of German clinic
Bremer Energie-Konsens (2004)
Summer suitable design and building; with Probst, Essen and Beck, Springe
Bartenbach Lichtlabor, Innsbruck (2005)
Retrospective “Ingenieurbüro P. Jung at work”
dena Berlin (2005)
Energy certification: Accurancy of calculation method
Haus der Technik Essen (2005)
Energy certification: results from field test
Energieagentur NRW (2005)
Energy certification: results from field test
IHK Aachen (2005)
Thermal Simulation and DIN 18599
TÜV Rheinland Cologne (since 2006)
Energy certification: Non residential buildings
TA+E, RWTH Aachen (2006)
smart.energy – Concepts by IPJ
GIF Gesellschaft für Immobilienforschung e. V. Wiesbaden (2006)
Energy certification and EnEV – what pays off?
KAP Forum Cologne (2006)
Pullover and Sunglasses, how Facades save Energy
VWEW Verlag, Frankfurt (2006)
Energy certification – Customer’s expectance and economical aspects
MED-ENEC Conference, Istanbul (2006)
EU-Project Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector in the Mediterranean Chairing, Moderation
MED-ENEC Conference, Marrakech (2007)
EU-Project Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector in the Mediterranean Chairing, Moderation
TIA Teaching in Architecture, Krems (2007)
Chairman “Concepts for Coeducation” and “Teaching Concepts“, Moderation
RheinEnergie Cologne (2007 f)
Technikherbst Energy Certification for non-residential buildings
Berliner Energietage (2008)
Energy certification for non-residential buildings: practical experiences
UNDP-PFF, TCC Zypern, Nicosia (2008)
Green Building Intensive Workshop
VDI Wissensforum - Gebäude der Zukunft (2008)
Energy Certification for non-residential buildings: building projects to the test
Stadt Sankt Augustin, Baudezernat (2009 ff)
EnEV for residential and non-residential buildings
Haus der Technik Essen (2009 ff)
Daylight within architecture, with Energieagentur NRW
VDI Wissensforum - Gebäude der Zukunft (2010)
The renovation of the Kreishaus Siegen
RWTH Aachen - IBB (2010)
Concepts for climate-friendly buildings
Peter Behrens School of Architecture, FH Düsseldorf (2012)
EnEV 2009 in integrated planning